About the Award

Since 1995 the Eppendorf Young Investigator Award is granted annually to European researchers not older than 35 years. It acknowledges outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts. The winner is selected by an independent expert committee chaired by Prof. Laura Machesky (University of Cambridge, UK).

This prize, which reflects the past and future of Eppendorf in a manner befitting the wishes of the company's founders, Dr. Heinrich Netheler and Dr. Hans Hinz, is intended to symbolize the close links between the company and the field of biomedicine.

The award was first established in 1995 on occasion of Eppendorf’s 50th anniversary.

The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators is presented in partnership with the scientific journal Nature.

Prize money € 20,000

The Award winner will receive

  • a prize money of 20,000 Euro (for personal use)
  • an invitation to the prize ceremony at the EMBL Advanced Training Centre in Heidelberg, Germany
  • an invitation to visit Eppendorf SE in Hamburg, Germany
  • coverage of his/her work by Nature in print and online (including a podcast)

Contact information
For questions regarding the Award, please send an email to: award@eppendorf.de

Nature journal
The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators is presented in partnership with the scientific journal Nature.


For more information about the award click here.