Electronic Solutions for Challenging Liquids
Electronic Solutions for Challenging Liquids
Date & Time
Friday, June 24, 2022, 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
(UTC+02:00) Berlin, Bern
Pipetting of non-aqueous liquid is challenging as unequal volumes may be aspirated, liquid can remain inside the tip after dispensing or may be lost due to dripping. If accuracy is crucial, you should adapt your tools and techniques to the physical properties of your liquid and surrounding conditions. Join our seminar and learn more about the benefits of electronic solutions improving speed, accuracy, and efficiency as well as facilitating collaboration in liquid handling. On top, you will receive a free live demo of the VisioNize pipette manager, the connect pipette system from Eppendorf.
Dr. Maren Rudolph, Eppendorf SE

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