Our Way to a More Sustainable Laboratory
Sustainability becomes more and more important in public life. Wherever we interact in our personal area, there is a growing number of sustainability topics. The same is for our work in the laboratories worldwide. Whenever the topic of sustainability comes up in the scientific community, there are many issues to consider.
Everyone is aware of energy-guzzling ULT freezers, bins with biohazard or radioactive waste, large bags of used plastic tips and tubes, extensive packaging material, noisy instruments, non-ergonomic handlings, 24/ 7 science job, limited job contracts and budgets - the list is long when discussing sustainability in the lab.
Whereas just a few years ago the topic of sustainability was mainly driven by dedicated employees in academic institutes and research-based companies, there has been a noticeable change for some time now. Purchasing departments as well as procurement systems request information. We see a growing interest in Eppendorf and our approach to sustainability. Discover the topic of sustainability in the lab and how to improve the situation in your daily work in the lab.

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