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Walk away: On-Deck Plate Readers For End-to-End Workflow Automation
Colten Wimmer - Byonoy GmbH

With the epMotion® liquid handling system, researchers can effortlessly automate the process of seeding cells into a 96-well microplate while ensuring uniform cell densities across the wells which is a crucial parameter for reliable results in cell-based assays. Subsequently, following the cell culture and incubation phases in a CO2 incubator, the addition of compounds, reagents, and substrates into a 96-well microplate can be executed automatically in accordance with the specific requirements of the cell-based assay. This is followed by absorbance measurements that can also be automated with on-deck plate readers such as the Absorbance 96 Automate by Byonoy. This device is positioned on-deck of the liquid handling system and integrates 96 detector units, enabling simultaneous signal detection with a rapid 3-second readout capability, facilitating researchers to conduct both end-point and kinetic measurements. The License-free App of Absorbance 96 Automate and epBlue (epMotion Software) can be initiated in parallel on the Multicon platform for setting up workflow parameters, microplate pattern definition, and readout processes in an intuitive manner. Subsequently, the results and data can also be analyzed automatically with the Absorbance 96 Automate app, which can be exported in different formats for further analysis. This talk focuses on how combining an absorbance reader with a liquid handler proves to be a powerful tool for laboratories, offering automation, accuracy, efficiency, and versatility, ultimately contributing to more reliable and timely scientific research and analysis.