In the intricate landscape of laboratory operations, the environmental impact of the supply chain plays a pivotal role in shaping an organisation's carbon footprint. This holds true across diverse sectors, from academia to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare, and beyond, where laboratories are integral to operational workflows.
While significant progress has been made in improving lab practices and behaviours through global programmes like the My Green Lab Certification, there is a parallel need for sustainable lab products. This presentation aims to delve into the essence of the term sustainable lab product and explain the pivotal role of the ACT. Eco Nutrition label from My Green Lab. The ACT. Eco Nutrition label catalyses improved communication regarding lab product sustainability and fosters a culture of continuous improvement in technology.
Moreover, the session will spotlight the My Green Lab Ambassador programme — a freely accessible introductory training programme on lab sustainability, which has garnered participation from over 6,000 individuals globally. Additionally, we will explore the impactful My Green Lab Certification programme, endorsed by the United Nations, that has propelled positive change in 2,300+ labs across 45 countries. Join us in unravelling the journey towards a greener and more sustainable laboratory future.